
The Five Best ‘Shopping Movies’ on Netflix

The Five Best ‘Shopping Movies’ on Netflix

If you are a lover of shopping, as indeed I am, you will enjoy The Five Best ‘Shopping Movies’ on Netflix

As our weather gets cooler it’s a perfect excuse to relax on the couch with a cuppa, and indulge in the fabulous outfits and fun story lines.  I will be dreaming of my next travel trip and all the shopping plans that surround the holiday.

“As I have previously mentioned  “I travel to shop, in exploring laneways I discover treasures and chat to the locals…”, that is how I get to the heart of a destination.”

The Five Best 'Shopping Movies' on Netflix


with the setting a glamorous lingerie manufacturer in the up-scale neighbourhood of Ginza, Tokyo, I was already going to be hooked (I love Japan).  This one is next on my viewing list.

The Five Best 'Shopping Movies' on Netflix

Confessions of a Shopaholic

Confession, I love the Sophie Kinsella novels for an easy holiday read. This Netflix Shopping Movie is perfect escapest watching, even if you have seen it before give it another go.  Completely sweet.

The Five Best 'Shopping Movies' on Netflix


An iconic ’90’s classic about a Shopaholic Beverly Hills teenager, the movie might be 20 years old but the fashions are still fabulous eye candy.

The Five Best 'Shopping Movies' on Netflix

Gossip Girl

A series that follows ‘privileged teens’ living on the Upper East Side of New York.  Those of us old enough will recognise actress Kelly Rutherford (remember Melrose Place…), her wardrobe in Gossip Girl is covetable.

The Five Best 'Shopping Movies' on Netflix

Sex and the City

I’ve been watching re-runs of the TV series, here the first Movie builds to whether/or not, Carrie will finally marry Mr Big.  Then then is also the shoe shopping…

Happy Autumn viewing, with The Five Best ‘Shopping Movies’ on Netflix


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